The Heating with Wood DVD Set
Disc 2
Maintain Chainsaws - Wood Stoves
Chapter 6

Sources of Wood 8:14
We begin with a general overview of hardwoods and softwoods by discussing the Btu values found in different types of fire wood and compare them to the Btu value from a standard tank of fuel oil. Knowing the type of wood you have is key to knowing if you have enough wood to last the winter.
- Find out:
What is a cord of wood, and what is a “face cord”…
Why you should buy your wood supply in the spring… - If you don’t own enough land to sustain your own fire wood needs, we offer eight suggestions on where to harvest it
at low cost or even for free! - Some important cautions on harvesting wood are covered as well.

Chapter 7

Cutting Your Own Wood 20:17
Know what tools you’ll need to take into the woods to get the job accomplished safely.
Learn how to prevent losing your tools in the forest.
Learn the correct way to hold and start your saw.
Know what the reactive forces are from a chain saw and how to control them to reduce your chances of getting injured.
In this chapter, an entire tree is cut into firewood, detailing the actual process along the way.
Not only will you learn the how, but you will also learn and understand the reasons why.
Why you should “rock-the-saw”…
Why you should stand to the left of the blade…
Why you should lock your left arm during a cut…
- Full of chain sawing tips along the way…
How to reduce fatigue…
How to make the messy job of refilling bar and chain oil clean and simple…
How to know the signs of a dull chain…
How to sharpen your chain in the field…
How to use your cant hook effectively…
How and why to use wedges to make chain sawing easier…
How to use more than one cant hook to maneuver heavy logs…
If you’ve ever experienced a pinched saw or had difficulty with wedged logs, you’ll learn how to get out of trouble with a cant hook and wedges. Knowing how to deal with chain sawing hazards such as spring poles, widow makers and cutting on hill sides could save your life… this chapter gives you techniques to tackle these hazards!

Chapter 8

Splitting 20:17
Hydraulic Log Splitting: Where safety is stressed
Learn how to set up your splitter for safety and how to operate the controls…
Learn how to position your body for safety when working with your splitter…
- Learn about important things you should never do when operating your log splitter!!
Find out: How to split unstable logs… How to read the end grain of wood for an easier and safer split…
How to avoid painful accidents when working with a log splitter… How to split around a knot and how
to split a “Wye”…
Manual Log Splitting: Ted shows you how
Learn what tools you need for manual splitting… What to aim for with the splitting maul…
How to practice before your first split… Where to position the maul for the best split
in large logs… How to sharpen your maul… How to use steel wedges to split large or stubborn logs…
And much more…
Chapter 9

Stacking & Drying 13:15
How do you know for sure that wood is dry enough to burn?
How long does it take to season fire wood?
When does drying stop?
Learn the answers to these important questions in this chapter… and more.
The basics of a stable stacking structure are illustrated as a cord of wood is stacked through time-lapse photography with narration and tips along the way.
Learn why you should build peaks on your stacks prior to covering them.
Learn the many advantages of burning dry, seasoned fire wood.
Ted talks about access of wood in the winter, and gives several examples of good vs. bad fire wood stacks.
A tip for storing and quickly drying kindling is shown, as well as several examples of fire wood sheds.

Adding Life to Your Chainsaw 11:02
Cleaning your Chainsaw after each use will help it to last longer and you will have a much better running chainsaw as a result. This section will show you how to dismantle a chain saw, what to clean, what tools to use, and how to not damage parts or get hurt when cleaning your saw.
Closeup views show what a worn bar looks like, the problems it may cause when cutting wood and how to prevent wearing out the bar and chain prematurely.
You’ll learn: How to remount the guide bar in the correct orientation… How to tension the chain… How to clean your air filter and what type of air filter could be damaged with aggressive cleaning… How to avoid an expensive repair and prevent premature wear… valuable tips for any chain saw owner!

Sharpening Chain Saws 8:43
Two techniques of sharpening your chain saw are covered in this chapter. Learning how to sharpen your own chain saw can pay for this DVD in one or two trips to the shop. And, there’s no waiting! The complete setup and sharpening process is video taped using close-up lenses to clearly show you how to get a sharp chain saw.
Using the file properly… Adjusting the depth gage on the chain with an inexpensive tool… More detail on sharpening in the field and how to line up the tools for accurate sharpening… all this and more is covered.
Make use of this Goody Box Tip and you’ll never cut with a dull chain saw again!

Stove Maintenance 6:42
After a few seasons of heating with wood, your stove’s door gaskets and firebrick may need attention. This section covers the information you need to handle the repairs yourself, saving you time and money. First, you’ll learn a simple door gasket test to see if you need a new gasket. Then both the window and door gaskets are replaced with valuable tips provided along the way.
You’ll also learn how to effectively cut firebrick for a custom fit in your wood stove, and you’ll learn how to make a simple jig that will safely hold your firebrick in place while you cut it.

Identifying Trees 10:14
24 trees from Northeastern U.S. are identified by their leaf patterns and structure, with clear shots of the bark to help you pinpoint the best species for fire wood use.The trees are organized into 3 groups of high, medium and low Btu values. Know your trees and you’ll stay warmer this winter with less work!